Parkinson’s disease
Certain forms of cancer
Use of a walker or wheelchair
Use of narcotics or certain medications (current)
A potential policyholder’s weight and height may also affect their eligibility for long term care insurance when paired with other medical conditions. For example, overweight individuals (in comparison with their height) that smoke may have trouble finding long term care insurance.
The above conditions are generally why insurance agents recommend that individuals purchase long term care insurance early, as many excluded diseases are brought on with age. However, being late to purchase insurance does not mean that you shouldn’t.
Keep in mind that if one of the above applies to you, this does not mean you cannot purchase long term care insurance. Every insurance provider is different and policies change from carrier to carrier and person to person. It is important to be honest and shop between multiple insurers (or find an independent insurer to do it for you) so that you can find a long term care insurance policy suited for your needs.
Speak with an insurance agent about your long term care insurance options. With or without pre-existing conditions, you should exhaust your resources until you find an insurer who will work with you on a policy. Also be sure to speak with your loved ones and keep track of your medical records to keep track of your medical needs so that you can tell your insurance agent and get the coverage needed for your care.